Mills Cemetery

September 1972 Meeting - Dinner and Singing and Preaching

Does anyone have any pictures they would like to share of meetings from the past? 

This is a shot into the church building while some singing was in progress.  Can anyone identify the guitarist in the red shirt?

The church building was open at window level on the sides.  There was a small pulpit at the front, with railing.  The seats were railroad-type logs, square cut and supported by rocks at ends and middle to separate them from the ground.  When the meeting was over, kids made a game of racing to and fro, leaping from log to log.

The building must have been built in the 1930's or 1940's and stood until sometime in the 1970's, I think, when a 17 inch snowfall collapsed the roof.

Cyndi Bolt
Church Building, with meeting in progress

Teaser photo!  Click the photo for a larger 575 x 562 pixel version of it.
This picture I took way back in 1972.  Sadly, the color emulsion from back then has not done well over time.  I brightened the shadows a bit so it doesn't look too bad.

Hope to get some more photos up soon!

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